Welcome to Walt Medical!
` We can support a wide variety of TYPES of: Companies, Organizations, Products (and Classes), Users, Uses, Technologies, etc., AND we engages and develop some of the BEST TALENT available in the Industries we support - for our core competencies.
We work to be a "ONE-STOP-SERVICE-PROVIDER" for all/most your Product Specification, Planning, Design, Development, Reliability, QA and RA needs, AND, We find "OUR proven FORMULA for success" works — for you, and for us!
I n t e g r i t y +
S e r v i c e +
V i s i o n +
E x p e r t i s e +
I n n o v a t i o n
L E A D E R S H I P. ™
Our motto at left well summarizes who Walt Medical is, and our advantages — such begins in ourselves — it's our mindset — who we are — and how we do what we do — and ends as our committment to you, our valued Clients & Customers.I + S + V + E + I = L!™
“I have worked with quite a number of engineering and management professionals throughout my career….Mr. LeMahieu is among the top three or four individuals in that group. The Walt Medical team is a similar group, and I highly recommend them all. At this company or the next, I look forward to working with them.“
VP Business Development, Electro-mechanical Programmable Cosmetic Device Startup
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Expert or Advanced

Walt Medical's most highly experienced professionals have declared and confirmed Expert or Advanced skills/ capabilities/ competencies. We can deliver conveniently via Phone, Televideo (WebEx®, Skype® Onsite, or via eMail (Reports). We offer our VALUED Opinions to help your decision-making, in CRITICAL, DEMANDING, or even ROUTINE business areas.
More on Consulting ServicesContracting
Concept thru Market(TM)

Walt Medical offers the SAME highly experienced Specialists as in CONSULTING (at left), but ALSO more simply for work where you require simply "Competent", to get the work done you dont have the time or resources for! We receive your RFQ, competitively QUOTE, EXECUTE with your Team, TO (defined) REQUIREMENTS (per Acceptance Criteria), ON-Time, IN-budget (with a Limited Warranty, and Liability).
More on Contracting ServicesStaffing
Competent to Experienced

Walt Medical also makes select ts Specialists available for HT/FT Onsite work, So whether of our "Seasoned veterans", or for our most "cost-effective" resources, including new talent with latest skills, creativity and energy. we can serve/support you. HALF-TIME(HT). FULL-TIME(FT). CONTRACT-TO-HIR, we work to meet your Staffing needs, quickly and cost-effectively!*
More on Staffing ServicesProducts/Goods
With Leading Technologies

Walt Medical can also develop full OEM Products ("TURN-KEY") for our Customers (who are the "Legal Manufacturer"). We perform under full Service Contract, with full Phase Review/Release processes (your Approvals, ISO13485:2016).
We sell several Stand-alone Products, novel, full QMS's and TEMPLATES for Companies with Products in Regulated Industries (above). "Templates" provide useful Forms & Samples for Documents required in the QMS, in Engineering (EE, SWE, ME, IDE), Quality, Clinical and Regulatory. To the Regulations (US-cGMP, EU-MDD, CAN-CMDR) - AND "EN ISO" Standards:
(13485:2016, 14971:2012, 9001:2015, 19011:2011).